Attach! 2002

Attach! 2002 Screenshot Anyone who has ever forgotten to send an email attachment will appreciate a new free software utility called Attach!, a simple yet vital tool that scans the user's outgoing email for mention of attachments.

Разработчик:   Alex Konanykhin
      другие программы →
Лицензия:   Freeware
Размер:   657K
ОС:   Windows 98/Vista (?)
Рейтинг:   0 /5 (0 голосов)

Anyone who has ever forgotten to send an email attachment will appreciate a new free software utility called Attach!, a simple yet vital tool that scans the user's outgoing email for mention of attachments. If an attachment is mentioned but no file is attached, a screen pops up informing the user and giving him/her two options: "Attach" or "Send Anyway."

This product allows those who frequently send documents via email to avoid embarrassing mistakes. Ideal for writers, lawyers, advertisers and other professionals.

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Attach! 2002 screenshot
Программы разработчика

Attach! 2002 Attach! 2002
Alex Konanykhin

Anyone who has ever forgotten to send an email attachment will appreciate a new free software utility called Attach!, a simple yet vital tool that scans the user's outgoing email for mention of attachments.

Альтернативные программы

Attach! 2002 Attach! 2002
Alex Konanykhin

Anyone who has ever forgotten to send an email attachment will appreciate a new free software utility called Attach!, a simple yet vital tool that scans the user's outgoing email for mention of attachments.

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