ChoiceMail One 5.103
"Now supporting AOL, MSN, Hotmail and Yahoo, as well as POP3 systems, ChoiceMail is a spam-blocking system based on the premise that all incoming email is assumed to be spam until senders have obtained permission (called registering) to send you email.
"Now supporting AOL, MSN, Hotmail and Yahoo, as well as POP3 systems, ChoiceMail is a spam-blocking system based on the premise that all incoming email is assumed to be spam until senders have obtained permission (called registering) to send you email. Until they do so, mail from unapproved senders will not appear in your email application. Unapproved senders are automatically offered the opportunity to register. If they do so you are notified so that you can choose to approve (or not) all future emails from that sender. You can also easily preapprove your existing contacts. The registration process requires manual intervention by the sender, thereby eliminating all automatic spamming systems. When our system tray icon flashes, you`ve got legitimate mail."
Программы разработчика
ChoiceMail One 5.103
Nebojsa Djogo
"Now supporting AOL, MSN, Hotmail and Yahoo, as well as POP3 systems, ChoiceMail is a spam-blocking system based on the premise that all incoming email is assumed to be spam until senders have obtained permission (called registering) to send you email.
Альтернативные программы
ChoiceMail One 5.103
Nebojsa Djogo
"Now supporting AOL, MSN, Hotmail and Yahoo, as well as POP3 systems, ChoiceMail is a spam-blocking system based on the premise that all incoming email is assumed to be spam until senders have obtained permission (called registering) to send you email.
All Spam Gone Spam Killer Anti Spam 2.0.0
A1Tech, Inc.
Anti spam software that blocks spam email and works as a junk spam email blocker.
(STEVEN) 4.3
Software Development Pty Ltd
(STEVEN) employs an advance email checking system that validates the sender of the email rather than relying on content to determine if it is spam or not.
Subscribe Emails 2.5997
Subscribe Emails helps you organize subscription to email mailing lists on Internet websites.
Email Arrival Notifier
Email Arrival Notifier notifies of the new e-mail messages arriving from multiple e-mail accounts.
Email Arrival Notifier 10.0
Email Arrival Notifier notifies of the new e-mail messages arriving from multiple e-mail accounts.
eMail Previewer 1.0
Preview your POP3 email so you can safely delete Spam and viruses before they get into your computer.
Email Subscriber 2.31 Pro
Email Subscriber Pro is an email utility, which helps you realize subscription to email mailing lists on Internet websites.
Norton AntiSpam 2004
Symantec Corporation
Symantecs Norton AntiSpam™ 2004 filters unwanted email out of your inbox.
CoffeeCup Spam Blocker 4.1
CoffeeCup Spam Blocker 4.
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Евгений Баянов
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Icon XP Pro
1st Page 2000 2.0 Final
1st Page 2000 2.
SMS Subscribe v1.01
Если Вы хотите получать на Ваш сотовый телефон какую-либо информацию из Интернет, то можете использовать данную программу.
RV-SMS v1.0
Райчев Евгений
Отправка sms-сообщений на мобильные телефоны, много операторов, записная книжка, очень проста в использовании.