PatchFactory 3.3
Easy and efficient patch/update/upgrade building and applying for different applications, databases, electronic documents, single or multiple files (including folders) with verification of update process and automatic backup of modified and deleted files to provide you with the full software/application version control.
Easy and efficient patch/update/upgrade building and applying for different applications, databases, electronic documents, single or multiple files (including folders) with verification of update process and automatic backup of modified and deleted files to provide you with the full software/application version control.
Using Patch Factory you have an opportunity to deliver much smaller patch file instead of delivering much larger new version file(s).
The result patch file represents all information concerning all changes made to an old version of the software product relatively to a new version. On the basis of the old version files and patch file data Patch Factory (viz. patch wizard/module) can build/reconstruct a new version of the software product.
Patch Factory can build patches of two types: single file patches and multiple files patches;
- Single file patch performs update of a single file with capability of its renaming;
- Multiple files update;
- Folders and/or files structure: addition of new or deletion of old folders or files;
- Simulation of update process - provides check of patch correctness via its simulation before patch applying and old files are updated;
- Capability of automatic file(s) backup of modified and deleted files;
- Effective patch building for executable EXE-files;
- Small size of base (source) update modules (i.e. without patch data): 7.5KB for single file patch; 30KB for multiple files patch;
- Open structure of output patch-files;
- Multiple files patch is a ZIP-compressed file with predefined structure. Simplicity and openness of this structure provide capability to modify patch data and adjust parameters of patch applying with help of any program that can handle a ZIP-compressed file, and any text editor.

Программы разработчика
PatchFactory 3.3
Pavel Shamsutdinov
Easy and efficient patch/update/upgrade building and applying for different applications, databases, electronic documents, single or multiple files (including folders) with verification of update process and automatic backup of modified and deleted files to provide you with the full software/application version control.
Альтернативные программы
PatchFactory 3.3
Pavel Shamsutdinov
Easy and efficient patch/update/upgrade building and applying for different applications, databases, electronic documents, single or multiple files (including folders) with verification of update process and automatic backup of modified and deleted files to provide you with the full software/application version control.
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