The Query Tool 2.0.2

The Query Tool 2.0.2 Screenshot The Query Tool is a powerful data mining application.

Разработчик:   Paul Dack
      другие программы →
Лицензия:   Freeware
Размер:   4866K
ОС:   Windows Vista (?)
Рейтинг:   0 /5 (0 голосов)

The Query Tool is a powerful data mining application. It allows you to perform data analysis upon any OLEDB datasource. Data can be sorted, filtered, printed and exported to a variety of formats. You can produce charts, summaries and x-tab reports as well as build complex queries via the Query Builder. It has been developed predominately for the non technical user. No knowledge of SQL is required, all actions are data driven point and click.

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The Query Tool 2.0.2 screenshot
Программы разработчика

The Query Tool 2.0.2 The Query Tool 2.0.2
Paul Dack

The Query Tool is a powerful data mining application.

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