AEVITA Tracks Eraser 1.5
AEVITA Tracks Eraser is a slim and highly configurable data erasing program that will protect your computer privacy from nosy people.
AEVITA Tracks Eraser is a slim and highly configurable data erasing program that will protect your computer privacy from nosy people. Using it, you can securely erase your usage tracks in Windows, Internet Explorer, MS Office and other applications!
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Программы разработчика
Task Scheduler ver 1.7
Программа предназначена для планирования запуска процессов под Windows NT (95) по дню недели и времени суток с точностью до минуты.
Date Edit v 1.0
Еще одная надстройка для Виндов, которая позволит менять дату и время файлов прямо из Проводника(Explorer).
Вечный календарь
Отображение календаря c 1583 года в полноэкранном виде (для всего года).
Часовой v1.0 by Quant Software (FreeWare) - Rus
Удобные часики с каледарем от 1753 до 9999 года.
Полиграфический калькулятор (FreeWare) - Rus
Простой калькулятор, предназначенный для полиграфистов.
Альтернативные программы
AEVITA Tracks Eraser 1.5
AEVITA Tracks Eraser is a slim and highly configurable data erasing program that will protect your computer privacy from nosy people.
All Tracks Gone Internet privacy Cop 2.2.8
A1Tech, Inc.
AllTracksGone Internet privacy history cache registry clean window washer automatically cleans your computer of files you may not want others to see, protecting your privacy.
System Purifier 3.38
Jitbit System Purifier is an all-in-one file shredder, privacy eraser, disk cleaner, free space wiper/eraser and startup programs manager.
Tracks Eraser Pro 5.5
Tracks Eraser Pro 5.
Perfect Privacy 2.0
Protect your privacy by eliminating your Internet and offline computer usage traces, such as history lists, address bar drop downs, accessed web site and document lists and other tracks that are stored to your computer as you use it.
Privacy Guardian 3.1
Safe and easy-to-use privacy protection tool that securely deletes online Internet tracks and program history information that is stored in your browser and other hidden files on your computer.
AEVITA Erase Hard Drive 1.1
AEVITA Software Ltd.
AEVITA Erase Hard Drive - When you give away your hard drive or sell off your old computer, you are basically "licensing" the third party to access your old e-mail, private customer information, corporate secrets, and other sensitive data.
All Tracks Gone Internet privacy Cop
AllTracksGone Internet privacy history cache registry clean window washer automatically cleans your computer of files you may not want others to see, protecting your privacy.
Privacy Fusion 1.0.0
Privacy Fusion
PRIVACY FUSION combines Internet's most effective features to protect your privacy and increase PC performance and productivity.
Access Manager for Windows 10.02
Access Manager for Windows allows you to restrict access to to key features of Windows, such as Control Panels or Start menu, network, Taskbar, desktop, system tray, Network Access Control Page, Control Internet usage and more.
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WindowBlinds 5.5 build 93
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Системщик 3.0
Александр Титов
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