ScanJet 5300c » HP PrecisionScan update for the ScanJet 5300C series scanners and Windows XP; USB ONLY
HP PrecisionScan update for the ScanJet 5300C series scanners and Windows XP; Parallel ONLY.
HP PrecisionScan update for the ScanJet 5300C series scanners and Windows XP; Parallel ONLY.(American English, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Deutsch, Espanol, Francais, Italiano, Korean, Nederlands, Portugues, Russian) This HP PrecisionScan software update is for customers who have upgraded to Windows XP from a previous version of the Windows operating system such as Windows 98, 98SE, Windows 2000 or Windows Me. This HP PrecisionScan software update is for customers who have upgraded to Windows XP from a previous version of the Windows operating system such as Windows 98, 98SE, Windows 2000 or Windows Me.
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